
Play Doh Party

Playdoh Party -3yr- Play Doh Table




Theresa in Buena Park, California, USA


October 2004



Because my 3 year old daughter is always changing her mind about what theme she'd like for her party, I decided to plan it generically and allow her to choose a theme for decorating the week or two before the party.

I had a jumper and a Play-Doh table. Jumpers are rented quite cheaply in our area so everyone has them at their parties, but I wanted something "different" too, so I made a Play doh table. I rented a child size table with 12 chairs ($12/day) then covered it with butcher paper for a better play area. I filled clear plastic shoe boxes with as many Play-Doh tools, Mr. Potato Head parts and kitchen utensils I could find,most were ones we had in our home. I stocked up on Play-Doh cans throughout the year and supplied our creative guests with just about every color Play Doh available.

We took photos of the kids with their creations, and had the parents judge some contests -silliest, squishiest, biggest, most colorful... enough so everyone won a prize. From the local dollar store I purchased Play Doh Play Kits which included 3 mini tubs of Play Doh and either cookie cutters or dough molds and used them as party favors.

My daughter eventually chose Dora the Explorer as her theme, so we decorated in Dora colors -yellow, orange and fucshia.We served up a Nachos Bar for the adults and hotdogs and chips for the kids. I made personalized labels on my computer for her favors and filled small gift bags with the Play Doh kits and Dora themed toys from Oriental Trading Company (binoculars, bracelets, magnifying glasses and Whistle Pops). We had a great time and now other Moms want to "borrow" our PlayDoh table for their parties!

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