
Pirate Girl Party

Pirate Party Captain 5yr - Captain Blonde




Olga in Vancouver, WA  USA


November 2001



Pirate Party for a Five year old girl.  Sent out invitations that we made on the computer.  We had an island with different locations marked on it.  Then, we marked a large "X" where the party location would be (our address, date, time, etc.).  We invited the guests to come as pirates.  Both my husband and I dressed the part, I was "Captain Blonde's Mother Pirate" and my husband was "Captain Red Beard" (some of the kids who came to the party still call him this).  Our daughter, loved dressing the part of the pirate and she dressed her little brother up too to look like Mr. Smead from Peter Pan. 

The front of the door I had a paper pirate ship with a sign saying "Welcome to Captain Blonde's Birthday Party".  Our kitchen area was decorated with a pirate plastic tablecloth, plates, and cups that I found at my local party store.  In a large clear bowl, I made a blue Jell-O and swirled in pineapple fishes (Dole product).  The main centerpiece was a chocolate treasure chest cake.  I used a 13 x 9 cake pan, cut cake in half and then frosted the pieces.  I placed the cakes on top of each other and I placed candy jewelry, coins, etc.  Plus, I made cupcakes which I frosted and then sprinkled with "gold" (yellow crystal sprinkles).   I also had a bunch of plastic mini pirates with treasure chests on the table.  The children arrived and as they entered the house, they received a pirate patch, earring, and paper pirate hats (Grandpa made these at the request of Captain Blonde).  I had face paints to make mustaches and tattoos.   

Craft Area:  Pirate music was playing in the background.  1.  I spray-painted small wooden boxes different colors and the kids needed to decorate them with plastic beads, sealife confetti, shells, etc.  2.  Making a paper roll telescope, decorating them with stickers, colored paper, etc.  When the children were pretty much done, I gathered them together.  They sat down in front of me and I read them a pirate story called "Tough Boris by Memo Fox". 

Next, my husband taught pirate manners and songs. Then, we had "Pin the Patch on the Pirate".  I drew a pirate on poster board and made eye patches out of black construction paper.  I put masking tape with the kids names on it. 

The kids were re-grouped on the carpet. Now the kids were told about finding a "treasure", but first they had to be divided into two teams of seven.  Each team received a clue which then lead them to five more clues.  At each of the spots, they collected "pieces of eight (plastic gold coins).  When finished, they were instructed to go to two neighboring "Pirate Houses", where parts of a treasure map were for sale. 

Each team went to a different house where my neighbors loved becoming silly pirates.  They told the kids that they had to give 15 pieces of eight and to sing and dance for them.  The kids went along and they received the pieces of the map.  They returned to the house and I taped the two pieces together.  There was still one piece missing.  I told them that there was one really mean pirate down the street who probably had that piece.  Sure enough, we went to the house.   The pirate told them that she needed 20 pieces of eight and that she wanted to see their pirate "mean" faces, plus a pirate song to be sung.  The kids combined the two teams monies and completed the tasks. 

They quickly rushed back to the house and I taped the final piece to the map.  The map had places to go around the house and on the back of it, clues to find the final "x" spot.  The treasure box (a foam cooler painted black with foam pieces for the straps and lock buckle) was located in the living room under our coffee table.  This location was great, because the treasure box fit perfectly under it, the table had to be lifted to get to the box.  The treasure box was filled with plastic bags marked with each of the kids names.  Each bag contained chocolate coins, mini baby food jars (with the lids painted black) gummy sharks and fish, jewelry, long beaded necklaces.  Everyone was happy to share.   

Finally, we sang happy birthday to Captain Blonde and had cake and ice cream.  We quickly opened presents and the kids had a few minutes left to finish their craft items.  They placed their goody bags into their own treasure boxes.  Everyone had a super time.  Some of the parents told me "Now how are we suppose to top this one?".  This made me feel that it was well worth the time and effort!  Time prep.  3 weeks before the party.

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