Guess What Star
Suzy in Granite Bay, CA USA
May 2002
This party idea works great to jump start your party because it gets your guests instantly talking to each other. After making my list of guests, I thought of a famous person each one reminded me of (either in looks or personality) and wrote those on a sticky note. (You could also get creative in a word document too. As each guest arrived, we taped it their back so they couldn't see it. The idea was to have them go talk to the other guests who could see the name on their and ask them questions to help them try to figure out who they were. Our home was instantly filled with laughter and talking. The person who guessed who they were first was given a prize (we gave a basket filled with wine, truffles, wine glasses). Everyone loved this and since I only picked people they would be proud to resemble, it made everyone feel good.
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