
Party Games

Mystery Game




Kathy in Tallmadge, OH   USA


December 2006



Play the mystery game at your party!  What is the mystery game?  It's simply a new variation on the traditional pirate treasure hunt.  The great thing about the mystery game is that it can be naturally incorporated into any party theme whether planning for boys, girls, dinosaurs or princesses the mystery game is always a hit.  Let your child have the say as to what character will be featured on the plates and balloons on their big day.  You simply plan the mystery around your child's choice.  To start choose a decorative reward that of course will mysteriously disappear during the course of the party.  Choose a reward that can be shared by all party guests such as a pinata to be opened, a basket of dinosaur eggs with party favors inside, a chest of princess jewels or crowns, lunch bags full of treats/favors decorated to look like crabby-patties (spongebob), be creative in choosing a reward to match your child's party theme.  Place the reward centrally in view for all to see at the start of your party, it can be a great centerpiece to decorate your party table. When your ready to start the game simply slip the reward into hiding and announce its mysterious disappearance to the children.  Have prepared a simple note with a clue explaining the mysterious disappearance of the reward.  I have included a couple examples.  1.  A wicked witch has taken the princesses crowns and is using them to create a spell to imprison her forever.  Your help is needed.  A clue to the whereabouts of the crowns was left behind and if you can solve the mystery and recover the crowns you shall each be rewarded with a crown of your own.   2.  Plankton has stolen the crabby-patties to get the recipe for himself, help spongebob track down his hiding place and you'll be rewarded with a crabby-patty of your own.  Along with the note you should include the first clue.  The game works essentially like a traditional treasure hunt in that the first clue will lead to the hiding place of the second clue and so on until the final hiding spot.   Generally 10 clues are sufficient and will take about 30 minutes depending on the difficulty and age of the children.  Create your clues to lead to common items about your home or yard.  An example clue to lead young children to a pillow might be: say your prayers its time for bed, find where you should lay your head.  For the final hiding place if you can't hide your entire reward there simply write on the final paper You did it, the crowns are under the sink.   It does take a little time and creativity to prepare the clues, if you're short on either of these there are plenty of free or cheap ready to play treasure hunts available online.  Either way it will be time well spent as it will surely be the highlight of your child's party and leave the children excited and talking about their great time for days to come.

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