Hot Wheels Party -5yr- Racing Games
Ronni in E. Brunswick, NJ, USA
January 2007
I have 3 son's and 1 daughter. Given I have 3 boys, hot wheels are a favorite here. So for my youngest son's 5th birthday, we had a hot wheels party.
The invitation was a car from the computer and it read Start your engines, race crash and smash, your invited to Branden's Hot Wheels 5th birthday bash. A car will be waiting for you to race or bring your own if you think it will win first place! Lunch will be served in the drivers pit we have reserved a place for you to sit. The crash overpass and the V-drop are sure to be cream of the crop and the mountain loop is guanteed to take you over the top.Your car may never want to STOP! Here is what you need to know So your car can GO GO GO.Racing Date Time. Starters Gate (our address) RSVP to the Pit Crew.
Upon arrival each boy was given a checkered flag and they were able to color hot wheel cars that we copied from coloring books The boys love to race. So we used the track from the deck tec dudes (perfect size for hot wheels). My husband and I created a double track and hot glued a piece of wood on the bottom to keep them steady yet seperate. The boys sat around the track. My husband had the two that were racing stand up and give their car a name and place their cars on the track. There was a plastic starters gate to hold the cars in place. The starters gate was lifted by my husband and down the cars went. A parent volunteer played ref at the bottom of the track. Which ever car (child) won the heat went into the next race. Then there were the finals and then the winning car (my two year old daughter won!)
Next we used the mountain overpass (a toy from matchbox). We sent the cars down the mountain and put the mountain on a piece of cardboard. We marked off with a piece of tape how far the car jumped and the winner received a prize. Then there was the V-drop, a hot wheels toy. We hung it on the door in the hallway and the boys set up their cars and raced them down.
The table was decorated in hot wheels theme. I used stickers on a plain red table cloth. Balloons and stick up car wall décor on the wall made for a nice backdrop along with steamers.
The cake was a rectangle cake with a figure 8 race track. Real hot wheel cars were on the track along with the checkered flags.
Food included chicken nuggets fries broccoli and cheese fruit cup and juice. I also made chocolate car shaped lollipops. The goody bags had a hot wheels cars stickers and plastic hot wheel cars filled with cancy (Target $1 each). There was a trophy ceremony at the end. Each type of race received a trophy for 1st 2nd and 3rd place. This allowed each child to get a trophy. The birthday boy got a racing hat and a personalized trophy that said #1 racer!
There were 10 little boys (age 3-5)at this party and you would not believe how well they sat and watched the cars race. People could not believe how occupied I kept them. They literally were mesmorized by the car races. My son will never forget his hot wheels birthday bash. "
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