End of School Party - Stuff Your Backpack
January 2005
Honorable Mention
END OF SCHOOL PARTY!!: This year, me and my friends all went to a new school. We all had a pretty tough (and stressful) year. So I decided to throw an END OF SCHOOL PARTY!
INVITATIONS: I got school themed stationary to print the information on. I also included a cool pencil from the Lisa Frank company. The information read...IF YOU'VE GOT THE "WRITE" STUFF, YOU'LL COME HAVE FUN AT MY END OF SCHOOL PARTY! WE'LL EAT, PLAY GAMES, AND WATCH "PAPER"VIEW! WHERE: ADDRESS WHEN: DATE AT TIME TO DATE AT TIME RSVP BY DATE (PHONE NUMBER). The invitation was really cute, and it had to do with school, too!
DECORATIONS: There wasn't really a theme that had to do with school. I just had yellow and orange tableware, tablecloths, and balloons to represent summer.
FOOD: We had lots of junk food on the snack table, like soda, cookies, chips, and soda. We had pizza for dinnwe, a cake that was decorated like a piece of notebook paper for dessert, and donuts for breakfast.
THE PARTY: As the girls came, we assembled in the kitchen to eat pizza.
Then, we played SCHOOL SCAVENGER HUNT. Each person had to go around and find a sheet of notebook paper, 3 pencils, a book for reading that was at least 200 pages, a binder, a ball point pen in red ink, a glue stick, a pair of scissors, and a pencil case. The first person to find everything got a cool pencil.
Then, we played STUFF YOUR BACKPACK. You were given a backpack and were on a team with another person. You stood at one side of the room. One person would run to the other end, and they would find a pile of school supplies. They had to put everything in the backpack and run back to the other person on their team. That person had to run back to where the pile was, take the stuff out of their backpack, take the backpack and run back to their teammate.
Next, we played SCHOOL SUPPLY CONCENTRATION. We had a big tray with school supplies on it, like erasers, notebooks, and index cards. We could look at the tray for 30 seconds. Then, we would close our eyes and my Mom would take away one thing from the tray. The first person to identify what was missing would get the item that was missing. Next, we had cake and opened presents. After that, we gave everyone notebooks, paint, markers, and stickers. We designed our own notebooks.
Next, we played STUPID ANSWERS. On the last day of school, nobody cares about anything and everyone isn't paying attention, so they end up giving stupid answers. 2 people are the students who are talking, and 1 person is the teacher who is teaching. The teacher has to teach something while the 2 students talk. Then, she calls on one of them and they try to think of the stupidist, funniest answer they can think of. Then, after everyone has had a chance to do everything, we vote on who said the funniest answer. That person gets a cool pencil. Next, we watched Mean Girls (which was a movie set in school). In the morning, we ate breakfast and handed out goody bags.
GOODY BAGS: We gave everyone a funky notebook, gel pens, funny keychains, and candy.
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