
Miscellaneous Parties

Robot Party 3yr




Megan in Forest Grove, OR USA


June 2007


Honorable Mention

My 3yr old was very determined to have a robot birthday party, and since I was just about to have our 3rd child I felt it important that his birthday was special, so a robot party he got!  We started with a simple invite with a clipart of a robot and digital like" font with wording as follows: "Its Robot Jackson's 3rd Birthday" date time "RSVP to Robot Momma" with contact info.  I purchased "head boppers" the headbands with spingy balls attached as "robot antennas" for each child which we handed out as they came in the door.  Our first activity was a craft idea that I got from Enchantedlearning.com which consisted of a toilet paper tube and foil (I assembled ahead of time) for a robot head which the children added google eyes pipe cleaners and constuction paper to make there own unique robot face.  All turned out very cute!  Next we did some robot dancing to fun music with costumes; I gathered energetic music that my son liked such as "I like to move it" and "Jump and Move" from favorite movies and burned to a party cd!  We made each child a "robot costume" from packing boxes sprayed silver with cut-outs for head and arms and a "control panel" on the front consisting of black dots colored on with marker (assembled ahead of time).  We took the kids outside and played red light green light robot (with costumes on). They loved walking and talking like robots and making eachother laugh. Other game ideas that I didn't have time for was "robot says" (as in simon says).  A scavenger hunt for pictures of robot parts such as nut bolts and other metal things. Another activity I didn't end up using was making robots figures from pretzels and marshmallow (pre-assemble baggies with the supplies) which would have been a great snack if needed. Next we read robot stories which I'd done a search for at the local library and checked out the books I liked.  After that it was cake time!  Our cake was an actual robot that I made from several square cakes.  The head was a 9x9 square cut in half the body another 9x9 square.  The feet and hands were small "serving size" pieces of cake.  All was frosted with grey metallic icing that I achieved with black food coloring found at the craft store.  My son and I decorated our robot with all sorts of candy such as:  peach rings for eyes and along the side of the head (for ears I guess!) kit kat for the mouth slightly open to show smarties for teeth.  More kit kat and dots for the control panel on the body.  Dots and smarties as "nuts and bolts" across the head and top of the body for the neck.  Spinkles for the hands and feet.  Licorice for antennas and also to "connect" all the body parts to eachother; such as the neck hands and feet all connected to the body.  It was very fun to create and even more fun for the children to eat.  Another great idea I got from a friend is pre-scooping ice cream into cupcake liners in a muffin tin and freezing.  Makes it so easy to serve quickly to a crowd especially little ones. Last we did a star pinata.  I removed the previous decoration and pasted clipart pictures of robots all over it.  I did find an actual robot pinata but I couldn't bring myself to spend $30 on something that would get destroyed in a matter of minutes.  I guess I didn't do  much for decorations other than a shiny silver tableclothe which was actually wrapping paper from the dollar store.  I felt like the crafts cake and 7 3yr olds running around in silver boxs and head boppers made the best decorations and there wasn't a need for more.  As I said before I did this 9 months pregnant!  I simplified a lot and prioritized what would be the biggest hit with the kids and what wasn't worth my energy.  In the end it was very special for my 3yr old and he had an abosolutely wonderful time!  "

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